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Get the details of PPSR security interests already placed against an organisation's assets.

The PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register) affects the way businesses deal with secured lending and can have an impact on any business who supplies goods on conditional sale or lease.

The national online register enables you to register security interests in personal property, as well as identify existing security interests in personal property that a potential borrower may have already granted to other lenders or creditors.

Personal property includes goods, inventory, plant and machinery, shares as well as intangible property such as accounts and intellectual property.

The PPSR impacts arrangements such as the supply of goods on:

  • Retention of title
  • Lease
  • Consignment

To find out more about the PPSR and what it means for your business please click below

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Registering on the PPSR

You can also register security interests on the PPSR in order to better protect against bad debt in the event of a customer's insolvency.

For more information about registering security interests on PPSR on an ongoing basis please contact EDX at