
Why is using the PPSR important?

Conducting a search on the PPSR is good practice when you are purchasing expensive or valuable second hand goods. A check when buying items such as a car, boat or machinery you can find out whether there is any finance owing. This way you can help protect yourself from having the item repossessed by a finance company, should the previous owner have had a debt on it which they have failed to pay. provides you with access to the Personal Property Security Register with a PPSR report from just $28.95

Purchase a PPSR report online now

If you don’t register security interests on the PPSR you may not be protected in the event of insolvency. Ownership of goods is irrelevant. If you do not register security interests you will be an unsecured creditor.
The Register is also used to determine priority for secured creditors in the case of debtor default or liquidation. If you are not a secured creditor you will not achieve priority.
If you are a secured party (or potentially a secured party) you will be able to use the PPSR to search for and register security interests in personal property.
While registering security interest is not mandatory under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, doing so offers both security and priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I find the VIN?

    The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be found on the vehicle itself, or on the door posts (where the door latches when it is closed).

    The vehicle's VIN is also displayed on the registration certificate and insurance policy documentation.

  • How do I conduct a search on the PPSR?

    Searches can be conducted in a number of ways, for example by a serial number such as a VIN (vehicle identification number) or by a grantor using an ACN (Australian Company Number).

    You can conduct a VIN search on the PPSR here. If you would like to conduct other search types please contact us.

  • How do I conduct a REVS or PPSR check?

    REVS has now been replaced by the PPSR. To search a VIN (vehicle identification number) on the PPSR you can do so here.

  • How do I register security interests on the PPSR?
    To register security interests on the PPSR you first need a Secured Party Group number. 
    To make the registration on the PPSR you will need the following information:

    - secured party details
    collateral details
    - grantor details (if applicable)

    Find out more about PPSR solutions for business on the Equifax website.

  • Do I need permission from my customer before placing a registration on the PPSR?

    No, you do however need reasonable grounds. Reasonable grounds are assessed on the nature of your relationship with your customer. For example, if you offer the customer a credit account, sell goods to them on credit terms, then you have established reasonable grounds.

  • What is a HIN and where do I find it?

    The Hull Identification Number (HIN), is a unique series of characters and numbers assigned to a vessel, similar to the chassis number (VIN) on motor vehicles.

    It is usually moulded in the hull or engraved on a metal plate that is fastened the hull.